There is so much to do or get done that there is very little time left to stop and breathe.
When I spend the day with my grandson it is all about experiencing everything. I mean everything!
He is 21 months old and everything is new to him, I thought he was smelling this flower, but when he came up he had actually taken a big bite, yellow pollen all over his lips. I can't tell you if he liked it. His face was unremarkable, but somehow deep inside I think I have a memory of what a flower tastes like,
maybe you do too?
I have been trying to find time to meditate lately and find it a challenge to find time to just sit and close my eyes. I keep thinking well maybe if I wake up earlier-that works sometimes. But then I should go for a walk, make my lunch, clean up etc. In the evenings maybe there is time, no there is too much going on in the evenings, gardening, dinner, laundry, errands, phone calls to friends and loved ones, visiting with sweetie, maybe a walk? A yoga or dance class? I should make more time to paint, I love painting! There just isn't enough time to do all the shoulds!
So I am going to promise myself to do one thing everyday that makes my spirit happy, and if I have time for more, then it's just a bonus, because after all every moment everyday is a precious gift and that makes my spirit happy!
I challenge you to do the same!
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