Thursday, June 30, 2011


This is Angelica.
Angelica is the second in the series of "my girls"
9"x12" mixed media on canvas
Angelica reminds me that we are safe, that everything is right in the universe, that we are where we are supposed to be at all times and that we are never alone. We are free to enjoy life free of fear and anxiety.
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Tuesday, June 28, 2011


9"x12" mixed media on canvas

I recently read Kelly Rae Roberts book, Taking Flight inspiration and techniques to give your creative spirit wings - which is full of inspiring ideas and projects. In Taking Flight she shows how she paints faces. I am inspired by Kelly Rae's art, creativity and words.  You can learn all about her and her book here. Thank you so much Kelly Rae for your inspiration and instruction - this was the first time I felt confident to try painting faces, other than snow people. More about that soon.
I decided that I wanted to paint my own inspired girls, they are like my companions in my creative space. This is the first in a series of 3 paintings I am calling my girls.

Her name is Hope, she is a gardener, she is planting seeds of hope.

It was a shock to me and everyone around me when I was diagnosed with bladder cancer last fall.
Cancer has so many challenges that come with it - both emotional and physical because first you deal with the task at hand of getting it out of your body and making sure that that part of your body is OK, but then there is this vulnerability that lingers where you wonder, do I have it somewhere else? Why did I get it? What's next?  You really get the opportunity to look at your own mortality and decide how you want to live your life. Whether you are living with cancer or living cancer free, you still get to choose how to spend that time. It can be a huge gift and a teacher if you let it.

The thing is we all have to live our lives fully today and everyday because each new day is a gift.
There are no promises about tomorrow.

We have to have HOPE!
Hope keeps alive our dreams and wishes. Hope plants seeds for the future
I like this poem by Emily Dickinson

Hope is the thing with feathers
That perches in the soul,
And sings the tune without the words,
And never stops at all,

And sweetest in the gale is heard;
And sore must be the storm
That could abash the little bird
That kept so many warm.

I've heard it in the chilliest land
And on the strangest sea;
Yet, never, in extremity,
It asked a crumb of me.
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Thursday, June 23, 2011

old pump fountain

I made this pump fountain last weekend. Using a real well pump that belonged to my grandpa's brother, Buck. I love the sound it makes.
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Monday, June 20, 2011

Mondays with A.J.

This was so precious, we haven't put water in his pool yet this year, but I think he's ready. It looks like he might out grow it first. This year in Seattle summer has been slow to come but today the first day of summer it is warm and beautiful. Mondays with A.J. are just the best day of the week, he is such a sweet determined little boy, we have so much fun. It is really great to see the world brand new again like little babies do, everything is new and exciting!
Thank you A.J.
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Tuesday, June 14, 2011

For Syd

This is a small painting I did for a friend who was very sick in the hospital. She had sepsis and severe bronchial distress. Her friends and family were afraid she wouldn't come home. She was that ill. I didn't start out with a plan to paint a painting for her, it was one of those things that just happens when I go in the studio and just start creating. The painting became like a prayer to me that I worked on several nights in a row. Thank heaven, God and all the angels that helped her heal, she is now home with her husband and kitties and doing quite well!
The painting is a mixed media collage on canvas. 9"x12" acrylic, torn paper, found objects and a cute little poem I found that just had to be included.

         Small Moth
She's slicing ripe white peaches
into the Tony the Tiger bowl
& dropping slivers for the dog
poised vibrating by her foot to stop their fall
When she spots it camouflaged,
a glimmer & then full on-
happiness, plashing blunt soft wings
inside her as if it wants
to escape again.
By Sarah Lindsay

Syd, I am so happy you are feeling better and happily gardening again!
Watch your mail box, my prayers were answered!
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Monday, June 6, 2011

Oregon coast

This is a simple Watercolor painting of the Oregon coast.
I just love being at the ocean, the sea feels so fresh and alive to me and my spirit is happy and at home.
I am teaching beginning Watercolor, and last week we painted a simpler version of this painting.
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take time to smell the flowers

It seems like we are always in a hurry.
There is so much to do or get done that there is very little time left to stop and breathe.
When I spend the day with my grandson it is all about experiencing everything. I mean everything!
He is 21 months old and everything is new to him, I thought he was smelling this flower, but when he came up he had actually taken a big bite, yellow pollen all over his lips. I can't tell you if he liked it. His face was unremarkable, but somehow deep inside I think I have a memory of what a flower tastes like,
maybe you do too?
I have been trying to find time to meditate lately and find it a challenge to find time to just sit and close my eyes. I keep thinking well maybe if I wake up earlier-that works sometimes. But then I should go for a walk, make my lunch, clean up etc. In the evenings maybe there is time, no there is too much going on in the evenings, gardening, dinner, laundry, errands, phone calls to friends and loved ones, visiting with sweetie, maybe a walk? A yoga or dance class? I should make more time to paint, I love painting! There just isn't enough time to do all the shoulds!
So I am going to promise myself to do one thing everyday that makes my spirit happy, and if I have time for more, then it's just a bonus, because after all every moment everyday is a precious gift and that makes my spirit happy!
I challenge you to do the same!
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